Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Won!! [Post Election Email Broadcast]

Hello McCain Palin Supporters,

We won? Why? Because we didn't compromise, we did have a candidate who was willing to compromise in John McCain though, God bless him, and because of that, the media who used to love him so much, twisted his arms out of his sockets and clubbed Governor Palin like a fur seal pup. Nice job ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, and the rest. You helped elect the unelectable! Quite detestable and unacceptable. Am I Bitter? Not really. Am I righteously indignant about the lies and suppression, you bet 'cha!

We have not won the white house, we have lost it to weak kneed, limp wrist, compromising fools who make resolutions to weaken our country and to be irresponsible to those who work and want to work. Yes, we have lost a few other political seats and battles too. We have won for these reasons though, we voted for what is right, because we have stood for Christian ethics, we have won because we are standing for not being tread on and we have won because we are standing for the innocent, those less fortunate and all who cannot stand for themselves.

It is time to get behind Senator/ President Elect Obama so we can keep an eye on him. Let's not let our guard down. We need to be ever vigilant regarding the destructive liberal mentalities that are trying to change the core and meaning and values that has made this nation the greatest in all the world. That said, let me be very clear, it's time to fight, it's time to stand even taller and move ever more deliberately toward the goal of defeating the sickness that is liberalism, defeating the killing of the unborn, defeating euthanasia, protecting family, free speech and other amendment rights. Not compromising with what the opposition stands for but destroying it. The liberal democrat is our enemy, they stand for sickness, death and themselves first.
The real deal, is that real conservatives did not have a dog in the hunt. But we will. We should have cleaned our clocks before we got our clocks cleaned, but we didn't. We have lost 5 Senate seats, but won Proposition 8 in California. That shows the truth that content of character does bode well in the USA, even as deeply rooted as liberalism is all three states defeated gay marriage... Hate crime legislature is something else we need to be focusing on that few are talking about. Hate crime legislation would silence all of us from speaking to issues that matter, especially our Pastors speaking from the pulpit.

Barack says he is the president of us all, we shall see. The appointment of Rahm Emmanual, the most partisan IL politician I have ever heard speak get appointed as Obama's Chief-of-Staff makes his acceptance speech stance questionable. Wall street is down, 11/05/08 but the 'feel good' is up, jobs will suffer, but government hand-outs and entitlements will increase, the world loves us, but we will be taxed higher as polluters and abusers, Iraq is freer, but the Iraqui's are concerned about the changes, not to mention Russian missile placements and muscle flexing today. Oh, but, Castro thinks he will be better for the world... Hmmmmm.... We now have a new America, but Kenya gets a new infrastructure, Baseball players want to make even more money, but the right to own guns or speak-your-mind on the airways of America may become jeopardized. I would bet anything that Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have voted for Barack Obama, based on character alone. WAKE UP!!

Barack Obama, garnerd immense money hence power from the Internet. Some say there was a lot of illegal money, and votes, but it's done. The question now is what are we, you and I going to do about it? Focus and be ready to fight the good fight, that's what!
This will impact everything. We are now, finally, going to get to know who the real Barack Obama is, and truthfully, I am not impressed. I don't think he has been truthful with us and I don't like what I've discovered on my own, read and have seen and heard first hand. Hang on, here we go... the fun has just begun.

Any ideas? Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Warmest Blessings!
Dave the Webmaster

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The following is a copy of an email that went to all 50 state John McCain campaign headquarters.
Keep the emails coming! -Webmaster,

McCain Palin Campaign:

We are fully vested here at! We want Senator McCain and Governor Palin in the White house.

Let me just add my observation. People, like you and me, our parents and grand parents are outraged at Senator McCain giving Obama a pass, we want to be “The Friends of John McCain…” but honestly we aren’t, he needs to ditch the blandness, and reveal the truth about the lies coming from the Barack Obama camp, the mass media pundits and the DNC in general who are reporting (or not reporting), for example, the fraud with ACORN!! How can we expect our vote to count if we have a percentage of fraudulent votes counting from the likes of frauds, and why does BO get an $800,000 pass on the donations to ACORN, 13 states this is ridiculous!

Actually, this it is quite simple, Obama’s associations are atrocious and indicate that he is the same kind of community organizer that the Vice Lords are (did you know that this South Side Chicago gang calls themselves “community organizers” too? All signs indicate that Barack Obama is a thug, and NOT this “great dad and family man” that McCain is speaking. THIS IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!! If John McCain and Sarah Palin don’t get into the white house it will be the fault of Senator McCain. We are trying to drag him (and her) across the finish line. But he needs to be a bigger help. He can start out by stopping calling us his “friends” and start calling us his employers. He needs to GET OUT OF THE CENTER, NOW!!

Please let this email serve as a “Heads Up” for coming emails we will be forwarding to you, (don’t worry there are not that many) these emails reflect a defined tone of belief and hope and suggestions for this ticket.

Warmest Blessings!

Web Master

Monday, October 6, 2008

McCain Palin, we ARE behind you.

I am so thankful that Governor Palin has the guts to share things about Obama that the broadcast media, and some liberal cable pundits refuse to investigate. Broadcast news has a much larger core and cume audience; so it’s a genuine disgrace that they have been hiding crucial facts and figures. There is so much more to share, so, hang on democratic party, we are going to open up that can of worms you call Obama. A container that will reveal the true character of your unworthy candidate, he spews filth is full of hate and the enemy of this nation whom he should be serving.

BO, Barack Obama AKA BS Barry Satoro is not intelligent, but he is polished, like Biden said “clean”, or so some would think. He’s not though, not really he is a thug, I promise you, his associations with the Vice Lords of Chicago will come out too. This reassessment of who Barack is needs to be done, not only for Barack’s defeat, but because the media elite need to fall as well. This hard working country deserves to know the truth about this duplicitous race baiting hater.

I feel that anyone who votes the Obama Biden ticket are either (A) In a drug induced stupor. (B) Are completely clueless to the major character issues and associations of Barry. or (C) Hate America, Americans and all of the freedoms, shared compassion and our desire for fairness. We are not blessed because we live in a free nation; we have a free nation because we are blessed.

The truth is, Obama and Biden will lose because he [Obama] his wife Michelle and his supporters are so malcontent and full of hate for this country. But this nation’s greater population is full of love and embraces the truth and the light. Tough love, Barry you will be better after all of this.

(BBB, Bye Bye Barry)

God Bless America!!

NOWs Shelly Mandell loves Sarah Palin!

McCain Palin (sigh) We ARE behind you!!

I am so thankful that Governor Palin has the guts to share things about Obama that the broadcast media, and some liberal cable pundits refuse to investigate. Broadcast news has a much larger core and cume audience; so it’s a genuine disgrace that they have been hiding crucial facts and figures. There is so much more to share, so, hang on democratic party, we are going to open up that can of worms you call Obama. A container that will reveal the true character of your unworthy candidate, he spews filth is full of hate and the enemy of this nation whom he should be serving.

BO, Barack Obama AKA BS Barry Satoro is not intelligent, but he is polished, like Biden said “clean”, or so some would think. He’s not though, not really he is a thug, I promise you, his associations with the Vice Lords of Chicago will come out too. This reassessment of who Barack is needs to be done, not only for Barack’s defeat, but because the media elite need to fall as well. This hard working country deserves to know the truth about this duplicitous race baiting hater.

I feel that anyone who votes the Obama Biden ticket are either (A) In a drug induced stupor. (B) Are completely clueless to the major character issues and associations of Barry. or (C) Hate America, Americans and all of the freedoms, shared compassion and our desire for fairness. We are not blessed because we live in a free nation; we have a free nation because we are blessed.

The truth is, Obama and Biden will lose because he [Obama] his wife Michelle and his supporters are so malcontent and full of hate for this country. But this nation’s greater population is full of love and embraces the truth and the light. Tough love, Barry you will be better after all of this.

(BBB, Bye Bye Barry)

God Bless America!!

1. Web Master Says: October 6, 2008 at 10:08 pm
GREAT NEWS Shelly Mandell LOVES Sarah Palin!!
2. Web Master Says: October 6, 2008 at 10:10 pm
GREAT NEWS Carly Fiorina LOVES Sarah Palin!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

McCain Palin Opening A Can Of Whup!

Awesome Job Sarah, you ate Joe's lunch!!! I have a cute story about that, that I will share in a future blog, right now I want to thank you about your passion for what is right! Thank God Governor Palin is bringing up the ignorant and evil associations that Barack has. She is opening a can of whup. And we are going to be there helping to turn the handle. Barack wants to mess with our country, then he is going to get his shorts handed to him. By the time the truth is all out, he will be crying like a baby and will need to wear diapers. Barack Obama has truly significant issues of character that plainly make him a losing proposition for this great United States of America. So, I beseech you, read on unless you are like Barack, a race baiting terrorist sympathizing unscrupulous crook. And that just touches the surface of Barack Obama and his shortlist of friends. There is no scare mongering here, just facts that need to be carefully parsed over the next 31 days. Barack is certainly not ready to lead; he shifts with the winds of the polls and wants to pillory the rich with wealth redistribution. But that is just what is mounted on the surface of his demonstratively atrocious positions, more to come, lots more I assure you!

I have such peace that Governor Sarah will rise to this occasion for such a time as this and raise the stakes of this campaign by putting said stakes through the hearts of these money grubbing megalomaniacs. Lol, truly if it was not so sad, it would be funny, they are ready to let botched abortion infants die and heed the gruesome dictates of sycophants. These are truly the most ignorant educated idiots I have ever had the displeasure of associating, (was when I was leaning left, in another life). The only change this nation needs can only come from someone who is ready to disassemble the heaps of pure trash and refuse that is the Obama Biden camp. I repudiate these liars and will be doing my part I can assure you of spreading the truth about Ayers, Rezko, ACORN, Johnson and many others. Here is a short list of some of Barack’s bad associates. More information and links will be posted on the main page. Nadhami Auchi, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright,
Moussa Marzook (Hamas), Allison Davis, William Ayers, James Meeks, Rashid Khalid, The Woods Fund, etc., This short list is very condemning! My parents taught me and I have passed this on… “If you want to know the character of someone get to know their friends and associations, And If you really want to know what they think, listen to what they say when they think that no one is listening.”

The liberal left democrat IS the enemy of the state, and MUST be defeated. The only ammo they have are lies. But we have the truth and that is the light. They can spin like a top about McCain and Palin and all they weill get is dizzy, because their facts are flawed, or made up. But we have the truth on our side. So, let's open that can of whup together McCainPalin!

Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin you are in our prayers, we know you are intelligent and passionate about God, family and this nation. We are behind you 150% Go John, go Sarah go McCain Palin We Love you!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Email to McCain Palin HQ

This is an email that was sent 10/01/08 If you agree, please contact your local and state reps to get the word to Senator McCain to stop reaching across the isle and start speaking the truth about Barack Obama

Hi Jason,

I got your email from Cathy… I’m’ sure that you are as busy as I am so I will be brief. As a registered Republican in Superior WI and an independent webmaster who is devoting 40+ hours a week with as well as talk radio, the Blogs (especially the liberal ones) and canvassing and volunteering it has come to my attention something of GREAT importance.

McCain MUST STOP reaching across the isle!! John is serving with Sarah because of their good character and morals, not in spite of it. There is no one on the left who can help this (our campaign) Senator McCain MUST stop crossing the isle, he is alienating the base and causing much consternation and frustration. The media is looking at the left, at the Obamatrons and how that can get their man in, regardless of the lies and judgment issues. MCCAIN MUST STOP reaching across the isle, it is hurting him. To be candid with you Jason, McCain was NOT my first choice, I was energized with the rest of the base when McCain announced Palin, get this message to John McCain, he needs to be more conservative and start telling it like it is, the truth will hurt the left, just like light hurts your eyes when you have been in the dark for so long, but this is the best way that he can get them (his friends on the left) to see the light. He needs to POUND (with a genuine smile and laughter) just what evil associations Obama has, if not for John and Sarah’s sake, but for the rest of us.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Greetings All,

Whoever you are, wherever you live and whatever time you are reading this, you have to agree, that when John McCain tapped Governor Sarah Palin, history was made. I remember exactly where I was, what I was doing and my first thoughts – that being said, what makes this so unique? The fact that they are not so unique, what they are and who they are, are real hard working Americans who know right from wrong and are willing to do what is right. What’s wrong with that? Sarah Palin is a real woman, Todd Palin is a real man and they are a real family, and will one day be this nations first family. Yes, that is a prophetic word.

Firstly and foremost, though I have not met the Palins personally (yet) and, even though I have not heard her say this in any media coverage I can tell you something that I am certain of, something I know. Todd and Sarah Palin put God first in their lives, they have been called and will produce in this land, with the Hand of God, a reflection of who we have always been as a nation. I believe, as a believer that John McCain hears the voice of God and acts on it, he is an obedient steward of the Word. I also believe and receive deep in my Spirit that Sarah Palin will be the first woman president of this great United States Of America. So, it is with my distinct honor, privilege and pleasure, too conform and continue to submit to the Lord walking out His plan, the plan the Lord is calling me toward. And this website is part of that plan.

As a single Dad, I am committed to be part of building this country back to what God’s intentions have always been for it, I encourage you to do the same, words and actions against the US will only prove to have diminishing returns. So, even if you are from the far liberal left wing, try having a few kind words toward this land that has provided you such freedom to express what you will.

Let’s pray, Father God I lift all those you have put in authority in this land to hear your voice and to take action, Lord Your word says that when two agree as touching that You are in the midst of them, Lord I ask and believe on the name of the Lord Jesus that You want the McCain Palin President and Vice President, as presiding in your word and love to govern over this land which you have been so merciful to give us. Lord I ask for continued protection for the McCains and the Palins, Lord anoint them with more of you and guide and refresh them in every way every day. Lord Your word says that Faith without works is dead and as evidenced by the faith of John McCain and Sarah Palin they walk out your word. So Lord I ask that you protect their steps and keep the enemy from them always in all ways. In Jesus name. Amen