Saturday, October 4, 2008

McCain Palin Opening A Can Of Whup!

Awesome Job Sarah, you ate Joe's lunch!!! I have a cute story about that, that I will share in a future blog, right now I want to thank you about your passion for what is right! Thank God Governor Palin is bringing up the ignorant and evil associations that Barack has. She is opening a can of whup. And we are going to be there helping to turn the handle. Barack wants to mess with our country, then he is going to get his shorts handed to him. By the time the truth is all out, he will be crying like a baby and will need to wear diapers. Barack Obama has truly significant issues of character that plainly make him a losing proposition for this great United States of America. So, I beseech you, read on unless you are like Barack, a race baiting terrorist sympathizing unscrupulous crook. And that just touches the surface of Barack Obama and his shortlist of friends. There is no scare mongering here, just facts that need to be carefully parsed over the next 31 days. Barack is certainly not ready to lead; he shifts with the winds of the polls and wants to pillory the rich with wealth redistribution. But that is just what is mounted on the surface of his demonstratively atrocious positions, more to come, lots more I assure you!

I have such peace that Governor Sarah will rise to this occasion for such a time as this and raise the stakes of this campaign by putting said stakes through the hearts of these money grubbing megalomaniacs. Lol, truly if it was not so sad, it would be funny, they are ready to let botched abortion infants die and heed the gruesome dictates of sycophants. These are truly the most ignorant educated idiots I have ever had the displeasure of associating, (was when I was leaning left, in another life). The only change this nation needs can only come from someone who is ready to disassemble the heaps of pure trash and refuse that is the Obama Biden camp. I repudiate these liars and will be doing my part I can assure you of spreading the truth about Ayers, Rezko, ACORN, Johnson and many others. Here is a short list of some of Barack’s bad associates. More information and links will be posted on the main page. Nadhami Auchi, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright,
Moussa Marzook (Hamas), Allison Davis, William Ayers, James Meeks, Rashid Khalid, The Woods Fund, etc., This short list is very condemning! My parents taught me and I have passed this on… “If you want to know the character of someone get to know their friends and associations, And If you really want to know what they think, listen to what they say when they think that no one is listening.”

The liberal left democrat IS the enemy of the state, and MUST be defeated. The only ammo they have are lies. But we have the truth and that is the light. They can spin like a top about McCain and Palin and all they weill get is dizzy, because their facts are flawed, or made up. But we have the truth on our side. So, let's open that can of whup together McCainPalin!

Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin you are in our prayers, we know you are intelligent and passionate about God, family and this nation. We are behind you 150% Go John, go Sarah go McCain Palin We Love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got that right, we're in too!