Monday, October 6, 2008

McCain Palin, we ARE behind you.

I am so thankful that Governor Palin has the guts to share things about Obama that the broadcast media, and some liberal cable pundits refuse to investigate. Broadcast news has a much larger core and cume audience; so it’s a genuine disgrace that they have been hiding crucial facts and figures. There is so much more to share, so, hang on democratic party, we are going to open up that can of worms you call Obama. A container that will reveal the true character of your unworthy candidate, he spews filth is full of hate and the enemy of this nation whom he should be serving.

BO, Barack Obama AKA BS Barry Satoro is not intelligent, but he is polished, like Biden said “clean”, or so some would think. He’s not though, not really he is a thug, I promise you, his associations with the Vice Lords of Chicago will come out too. This reassessment of who Barack is needs to be done, not only for Barack’s defeat, but because the media elite need to fall as well. This hard working country deserves to know the truth about this duplicitous race baiting hater.

I feel that anyone who votes the Obama Biden ticket are either (A) In a drug induced stupor. (B) Are completely clueless to the major character issues and associations of Barry. or (C) Hate America, Americans and all of the freedoms, shared compassion and our desire for fairness. We are not blessed because we live in a free nation; we have a free nation because we are blessed.

The truth is, Obama and Biden will lose because he [Obama] his wife Michelle and his supporters are so malcontent and full of hate for this country. But this nation’s greater population is full of love and embraces the truth and the light. Tough love, Barry you will be better after all of this.

(BBB, Bye Bye Barry)

God Bless America!!

NOWs Shelly Mandell loves Sarah Palin!

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