Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Won!! [Post Election Email Broadcast]

Hello McCain Palin Supporters,

We won? Why? Because we didn't compromise, we did have a candidate who was willing to compromise in John McCain though, God bless him, and because of that, the media who used to love him so much, twisted his arms out of his sockets and clubbed Governor Palin like a fur seal pup. Nice job ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, and the rest. You helped elect the unelectable! Quite detestable and unacceptable. Am I Bitter? Not really. Am I righteously indignant about the lies and suppression, you bet 'cha!

We have not won the white house, we have lost it to weak kneed, limp wrist, compromising fools who make resolutions to weaken our country and to be irresponsible to those who work and want to work. Yes, we have lost a few other political seats and battles too. We have won for these reasons though, we voted for what is right, because we have stood for Christian ethics, we have won because we are standing for not being tread on and we have won because we are standing for the innocent, those less fortunate and all who cannot stand for themselves.

It is time to get behind Senator/ President Elect Obama so we can keep an eye on him. Let's not let our guard down. We need to be ever vigilant regarding the destructive liberal mentalities that are trying to change the core and meaning and values that has made this nation the greatest in all the world. That said, let me be very clear, it's time to fight, it's time to stand even taller and move ever more deliberately toward the goal of defeating the sickness that is liberalism, defeating the killing of the unborn, defeating euthanasia, protecting family, free speech and other amendment rights. Not compromising with what the opposition stands for but destroying it. The liberal democrat is our enemy, they stand for sickness, death and themselves first.
The real deal, is that real conservatives did not have a dog in the hunt. But we will. We should have cleaned our clocks before we got our clocks cleaned, but we didn't. We have lost 5 Senate seats, but won Proposition 8 in California. That shows the truth that content of character does bode well in the USA, even as deeply rooted as liberalism is all three states defeated gay marriage... Hate crime legislature is something else we need to be focusing on that few are talking about. Hate crime legislation would silence all of us from speaking to issues that matter, especially our Pastors speaking from the pulpit.

Barack says he is the president of us all, we shall see. The appointment of Rahm Emmanual, the most partisan IL politician I have ever heard speak get appointed as Obama's Chief-of-Staff makes his acceptance speech stance questionable. Wall street is down, 11/05/08 but the 'feel good' is up, jobs will suffer, but government hand-outs and entitlements will increase, the world loves us, but we will be taxed higher as polluters and abusers, Iraq is freer, but the Iraqui's are concerned about the changes, not to mention Russian missile placements and muscle flexing today. Oh, but, Castro thinks he will be better for the world... Hmmmmm.... We now have a new America, but Kenya gets a new infrastructure, Baseball players want to make even more money, but the right to own guns or speak-your-mind on the airways of America may become jeopardized. I would bet anything that Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have voted for Barack Obama, based on character alone. WAKE UP!!

Barack Obama, garnerd immense money hence power from the Internet. Some say there was a lot of illegal money, and votes, but it's done. The question now is what are we, you and I going to do about it? Focus and be ready to fight the good fight, that's what!
This will impact everything. We are now, finally, going to get to know who the real Barack Obama is, and truthfully, I am not impressed. I don't think he has been truthful with us and I don't like what I've discovered on my own, read and have seen and heard first hand. Hang on, here we go... the fun has just begun.

Any ideas? Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Warmest Blessings!
Dave the Webmaster

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